Wednesday, November 18, 2009

After watching these five clips, it gave me more of an insight on Poetry, and the liking. and what it is like to listen to poetry slam. Of the five they each had their own difference that stir up the different emotions or feelings
“I’m an Emotional Idiot” It’s different from the rest of the def poetry I have heard, this is because she adds comedy into her poetry. It was not as serious as most people and it actually made me laugh. Overall, this is one of the best I have heard and I would like to hear more like it.
“Sometimes Silence Is The Loudest Kind Of Noise” After watching this clip I did not really like it. The way the woman presented was to serious for me. I would rather hear humor than to be so serious. I do understand why she named the poem what she named it. The thing I did like was how she kind of sung some of the words in the poetry. Overall, it was good, but I would rather hear comedy.
“Nuyorican Poets CafĂ©-Jon Sands”After watching this clip it was actually good. The profanity might be a little much, but it was still funny. It did not make much since but the way he used his voice and hand gestures, it made up for it. Overall, the guy was rambling a lot, but it was funny and he did well.
“I Need To Write”After watching this clip it was actually good even though it did not have much comedy. I like how he was very fast paced during reciting his poem. It was a very serious poem, but the way he got into his poetry. Overall, even though it was a very serious person he done well in keeping my attention by quickly reciting the words and being emotional with his poetry.
“Shihan”After watching this clip it was good, and this was probally my favorite poem. Again the comedy part is what caught my attention and is what I liked. In this poetry it was comedy and reciting the words quickly that made it really good. Overall, it was funny but he got his point across well.
All and all, I thought listening to these poets, gave me an insight on how I should write my poem.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Why is racism such a big deal? What happend to the quote all man should be created equal. I believe that is a quote from the Constitution. Sadly, not everyone is created completely equal. Even though, African Americans have the right to vote, and various other freedoms that they have. In fact, in this article, I like how she proves that if you are white you have an advantage. The author, said that White people, have white privelage. Simply, these White race is at an advantage then those of other races. In my opionion there is still White people out there that think that they are better then African Americans. I totally think that is wrong, and stupid, because I love my African Amercian brothers and sisters, just like I love my white brothers and sisters. I believe that when we stop judging people and start acting like a Christian nation, or with Christian values. Then there would not be any reason for racism. In my opionion, how can a white man or a white woman, be a true Christian, if they dislike there brother, and that is what they are doing. God, created every race in this world, and no matter if they are black, Chinesse, Japanesse, or any other skin tone. We should love them, just because, they were created by God.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


When going through the readings, there was some interesting points that each one of the authors of the articels or stories that they wrote. Now something that stuck out in my mind on image, which was on pages198-205, Craig Frazier, makes a wonderful point. His poster "America, Open for Business" has a really good purpose. The purpose of the poster was to prove a point about America after September 11th 2001. He was trying to create a sense of community, meaning that we have to move on no matter what the circumstances are. I admit, when I first saw the poster, without reading, I would have thought that it meant that America likes to shop, Now I know what the true meaning of it is.

Now on pages 210-223, Michael F. Jacobson, and Laurie Anne Mazur, wrote an article titled The Iron Maiden: How Advertising portrays women. This article basically talks about how images in magazines pursue people mostly women to be something that they can't possibly be. Now, if the truth was known, the average woman might be in size 8 to 12 jeans. Not, the size of, 0, 1, 2, and 3, as is depicted in the media. Typically, women that are that small, are lucky, but the models that are skinny, are misleading these women making them think that they are ugly. When, in fact, most of the women are average size. That is why there is an increased rate of eating disorders in the United States. People need to realize that "beauty is only skin deep", make-up, clothing, and any other accesory out there doesn't make them as pretty as they think.

Also, reading the Gaze-Gender Roles in Advertising, the topic after the Iron Maiden, we are asked to examine the collection of images that are provied on the pages that follow. By looking at these images, of the different people in these pictures. Basically this article, was telling us how to look deep in the images and pay close attention, to what they are wearing, or what action they are performing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


How illegal is file sharing? Until I read “Piracy” by Lawrence Lessig. I, myself, didn’t understand how illegal it is! I was stunned at the statistics that Lessig presented to me about how much file sharing is going on in the world. He stated that there are 43 million citizens that use sharing networks. (Unfortunately, this number is not surprising, since we are living in a culture, that everybody wants everything at the moment. File sharing makes it easy, because it available to them on the computer.)

When I was in high school, I had Lime wire on my computer; I shared about 20 or 30 songs on there. After reading this article, it made me realize that those 20 or 30 songs that I shared, that I actually made the people that recorded these songs, lose probably a couple hundred dollars. Now I don’t use Lime wire, instead I purchase my songs off of iTunes for 99 cents a song. Since I have been using iTunes compared to Lime wire, I feel much better, because I like to pay for my stuff! I as a person, wouldn't want someone to take something of mine, without paying for it. So why should I rip them off, by taking a song from them. Especially, after they have put some time in effort in doing what they are doing. Isn't it common courtesy to pay for it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Craft, Care at Flatbread Company Makes Up for Sparse Menu.
I liked the way that Forrest evaluated this review. She gave such vivid details on the different resturants. That maybe before, I go out and eat at a resturaunt, I might want to read reviews of them, that goes with anything whether, it is a movie or a book. I should probally always read a review about it if possibe.
Poter Power
I think, Outhier's evaluation of one of the Harry Potter movies seemed educational. This is due to his deep descriptions of the characters, settings, and director. Outhier gives vivid details of the movie. But as a human, we all have are own opinions of Harry Potter, while liking the books, I also liked the movies better.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Triumph of Hope over Self-Interest

In this story The Triumph of Hope over Self-Interest. David Brooks writes about current affairs and politics. He states the question, Why don't people vote their own self-interest? He answers that question under the following headings. 1 People vote their aspirations. 2. Income resentment is not a strong emotion im much of America. 3. Many Americans admire the rich. 4. Americans resent social inequality more than income inequality. 5. Most Americans do not have Marxiam categories in their heads.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

cookie monster, and Johnny Depp

Cookie Monster was an interesting profile that gave me knowlege on a person that holds a job title that I never thought could actually exist. The job title is being a fortune cookie writer and the person who holds that job is Mr. Donald Lau. Mr. Lau I thought it was awesome that he went into the fortune cooke business. He grew having the chance to read severla books that were based on Chinese culture. These books that made his ideas come to life, in short little phrases of hope, direction, and prophesy. I really liked the part when I read that one hundred and ten people ended up winning the same lottery payout. So, I wonder if when I eat a fortune cookie, could my chances increase of me winning the lotter. I guess if I had a job like that I would probally never want to retire, I would want to die, doing that, then pass it on to my kids.
I have always been a big fan of Johnny Depp, and somewhat good looking. I have especially been a big fan of him in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The profile of Jonny Depp by Sean Smith was very intriguing. I think it gave vivid detail of Johnny Depp, and it allowed us as the reader, to realize that becoming a father or a mother can change the way you view the world. One reason, once you are a parent, you have a child in this world, that you have to love and care for till it is all grown up. So most of the time it makes a person grow up, and leave there childish behavior behind.